Fabulous Films

Everyone has to have a stack of films that they just know will bring a smile or tear to their face when they’re feeling down, when something bad has happened or when they’re fine and just want a guaranteed laugh.  These films are my faves.  Some are uplifting, some are bittersweet and some are just damn funny.  Links open in new window:



A sweet film about a shy girl who lives in her head and eventually steps out of her comfort zone.


Little Miss Sunshine

I like this one because it has dark humour about people in difficult situations but manages an uplifting ending that isn’t forced or too ‘Hollywood’.  The Grandfather is hilarious.

My Ben Stiller faves:



Tropic Thunder

All the comedy heavy-weights are in this one plus Tom Cruise is unexpectedly hilarious.


Not quite as good as the other two Stiller films imo but still well worth watching.


I’m referring to the original 1976 film.   I hadn’t seen it until a few months ago and never expected to enjoy it.  Okay, it’s hokey, some might say mawkish, but I’m not ashamed to admit that it touched my heart.  I couldn’t resist the likeability of Rocky, the emotional pull of the storyline leading to the boxing match crescendo.  I love it.  I like the cheesy music, I like the fact it makes me want to go to the gym, it’s energising and it made me feel.



Gorgeous Disney film that is uplifting but also quite ironic and gently pokes fun at the fairytale genre it is a part of.


Julie & Julia

I have just watched this film.  It caught my eye in the supermarket yesterday and only cost £7.  I’d recommend it.  It’s about two women who love cooking (in a nutshell). 

Streep is Julia Child, a famous cookery writer, and Adams is Julie, a blogger who set out to re-create all of the recipes from Child’s famous French cooking guide in 365 days.  I like that the stories are based on real women.  I could relate to Julie as she turns 30 and finds that is a crisis point in her life.  Streep is funny and the Paris backdrop is warm and inviting.  Julie’s post-9/11 New York is much bleaker, so the contrast as the stories are interwoven works really well.

More to be added…

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